Apartment units do not last long at our complex so if you are arranging an inspection then be prepared and complete your tenancy application pack prior to an inspection. This way if you like the apartment you can hand in your application and be at the front of the queue.
To apply for tenancy is simple and you can email, post or drop in your application. Like all real estates we require the following information:
- identification such as a drivers licence, medicare card, utility bill or passport;
- name and date of birth of each person who will be living in the townhouse unit;
- vehicle description and registration of each vehicle;
- employment details including two recent pay-slips or copies of bank statements;
- previous rental history; and
- any other information you believe may be relevant.
The easiest way to apply for an apartment is to download our tenancy application form below. Once completed the form can be emailed to managers@luwin.com.au or posted to our address which is located on our contact us page.
If you are emailing your application then please scan all supporting documentation and attach to your email application. If you don’t have access to a scanner then you may be able to use your smartphone to take photos and send the photos through to your email address.
If you are posting your application then please photocopy supporting information and attach to your application. Alternatively you may arrange a time with us to drop in your application where we can photocopy your supporting documents.
Below is our tenancy application form for download. Please ensure you sign the annexure as part of the application which allows us to conduct a rental reference.
All residents (including tenants) must abide by the complex Bylaws. You may download a copy below which will form part of your lease conditions.